Centre-of-road parking trial to begin on Kincaid Street

Published: 26 Sep 2016 11:40am

Twenty-six new parking spaces will be created near Fitzmaurice Street as part of a six-month trial starting on Wednesday 28 September.

Centre-of-road parking will be implemented on Kincaid Street between Trail Street and Fitzmaurice Street to address concerns from the community and nearby businesses.

As part of the trial, 16 south side and two north side parallel parking spaces will be removed to allow 40 centre-of-road spaces to be created. The new spaces will be 90-degree parking and will have no time restrictions during the trial.


"Centre-of-road parking is commonly used in cities and towns across Australia as a practical, affordable way of increasing the availability of car parking in busy areas," Director Economic and Commercial Development James Bolton said.

"The trial along Kincaid Street will increase the overall parking capacity of the street from 41 spaces to 67.

"If the trial is successful, centre-of-road parking can potentially be expanded to other nearby streets to create about 60 more car spaces than we currently have in the area."

The trial period will include the busy Christmas period and feedback will be sought from the community and business owners about the functionality of the parking.

Temporary separation kerbing will be used during the trial period, with permanent traffic islands to be installed if the trial is successful. Council will also then look at opportunities to beautify the streetscape to fit with the popular Fitzmaurice Street area.

The new initiative is the latest parking improvement for the area following the introduction of timed parking restrictions on Fitzmaurice Street in June. Both trials are outcomes from the May Ordinary Council Meeting.

"This new parking trial follows a change in timing restrictions on Fitzmaurice Street and Council has been working with nearby businesses to improve parking in the area," Mr Bolton said.

"Council staff have thought outside the box to find a low-cost solution that can be implemented quickly and easily, and we look forward to hearing the feedback on the centre-of-road parking trial."

Kincaid Street will be closed to traffic between 9am and 3pm on Wednesday 28 September for line marking and to install the temporary separation kerbing, weather permitting.

Residents are reminded to take care in the area during the trial period as they adjust to the changed traffic conditions.

The trial was originally scheduled to begin on 14 September, but has been rescheduled due to the ongoing wet weather.