Sanitise those hands!
Published: 29 May 2020 2:10pm
With many Wagga Wagga City Council facilities preparing to reopen to the public, there’s a new practice we need to adopt when entering a building – sanitising our hands.
Council are providing hand sanitiser stations at every Council-operated facility and are encouraging the community to use them.
Work Health & Safety Advisor Julie Philpott said adopting the new habit was important to ensure the health and safety of the community and Council staff.
“Many Council facilities are high-traffic areas, so we all need to work together to keep everyone safe,” Ms Philpott said.
“We have hand sanitiser available at both entrances and exits to all our facilities. It’s a new practice that we’ll be continuing for the foreseeable future.”
Ms Philpott was facing a months-long wait for the sanitiser, when a chance conversation led to a local solution.
“Like most businesses, we were finding it difficult to source supplies,” Ms Philpott said.
“Everything was sold out.
“I was in a meeting with local agencies and I mentioned it to them. One of the team members spoke to me afterwards and gave me the contact details of a local business they knew would be able to help.
“I love supporting our local businesses and it turned out they were able to get everything I needed within a week. It’s been brilliant.”
For a full list of Council’s facility and service changes visit wagga.nsw.gov.au/servicechanges