Preparations begin for upcoming fire season
Published: 20 Nov 2020 3:16pm
Council’s Gregadoo Waste Management Centre recently hosted a familiarisation session for the Lake Albert Rural Fire Brigade as part of preparations for the upcoming bushfire season.
The brigade took the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the centre’s layout and water sources in case of a fire onsite, and tested out Council’s new water truck.
The truck holds 12,000 litres and features two cannons which can shoot water over 50 metres.
Supervisor Solid Waste Mathew Windle said the volunteers were impressed with the truck and Council’s firefighting capability.
“We specifically ordered this truck to suit the needs of the centre as the range of the cannon keeps staff well away from any danger,” Mr Windle said.
The group also used the day to practice relaying water from Council’s water truck to the fire service truck for emergency refilling.
“We have a responsibility to ensure we’re prepared for any emergencies onsite,” Mr Windle said.
“We need the ability to eliminate any combustion fires and air pollution incidents as well as suppress dust.
“We really appreciate the Lake Albert Rural Fire Brigade volunteers for spending their Sunday here to help us all get prepared for the fire season ahead.”