Trucks and contractors apply white lines and markings on a new road surface.
LINE MARKING:  Asphalt seals and line marking has taken place on Lord Baden Powell Drive in recent weeks.

Projects & Works

Lord Baden Powell Drive upgrade nearing completion

Published: 13 Dec 2023 9:24am

Works to upgrade the western end of Lord Baden Powell Drive are progressing well, with the road expected to re-open to traffic prior to Christmas with reduced speed limits in place.

The works on Lord Baden Powell Drive (near the Museum of the Riverina site) includes the reconstruction of this section of road, installation of pedestrian refuge crossings and building of pathways to link the Botanic Gardens and the Museum of the Riverina site.

In recent weeks the final asphalt seals have been applied to the road surface and line marking has taken place.

Contractors use a machine and hand tools to apply an asphalt seal to a road surface.
FINAL SEAL: Wagga Wagga City Council has been working with the contractor to complete Lord Baden Powell Drive to allow it to be re-opened prior to Christmas.

However, before the road can be re-opened the works must comply with necessary standards for pedestrian and traffic requirements.

Council's Director of Strategy & Projects Phil McMurray is pleased with the work done on Lord Baden Powell Drive, but stresses there are still some elements to be completed before it can be re-opened.

“Wagga Wagga City Council is making every effort to ensure the contractors complete their work as soon as possible to allow for the reopening of the road,” Mr McMurray said.

“While Monday 18 December remains the target date to re-open the road to traffic, the timing will depend on the completion of some vital road safety compliance work to ensure the road meets Australian standards.

“This work includes the installation of guard rails on both sides of Lord Baden Powell Drive along the section of road which goes over the top of the Willans Hill Miniature Railway line tunnel.

“In addition, necessary road and pedestrian signage is being installed.

People spray white markings onto a new road surface, only the lower part of their bodies can be seen in the photo.
NEARING COMPLETION: Contractors have applied line marking to the new surface of the western end of Lord Baden Powell Drive.

“Once the required safety measures are complete the road can be re-opened, however residents are reminded that the site is still a worksite, and a reduced speed limit will be in place until late January when the pedestrian paths are complete."

The project is funded by the Australian Government’s Building Better Regions Fund, NSW Government and Wagga Wagga City Council.

Find out more

To read more about the Lord Baden Powell Drive upgrade visit the project page on our Have Your Say website.

For information about road works and road closures in the area visit