Statement from General Manager Alan Eldridge

Published: 05 Jun 2018 10:24am

25 November 2015

For immediate release

Statement from General Manager Alan Eldridge

“Following a statement released by Rex on Tuesday November 23rd, I would like to clarify that Council has not breached any legal agreement with Rex.

“We have been working with Rex and their engineers regularly to make the hangar fit for the purpose of painting planes. A meeting was held as recently as Friday November 20th with all stakeholders, including Rex’s engineers, to discuss this.

“While there are a number of issues with the building, Douglas Aerospace have been operating using a risk-based approach to enable them to continue business as usual while works were being completed.

“Early estimates for works to make the building fit for purpose for Douglas Aerospace were approximately $885,000, however, the amount of rectification works required is dependent on the purpose of the facility.

“Following Rex’s statement on Friday evening, Douglas Aerospace have been contacted by Council's legal representatives, advising them that Council requested they vacate as soon as practically possible.

“Council will work with the company and any other third parties who may have plant and equipment at the premises for an orderly removal of such items.

“We’re now moving forward and looking at other opportunities for the hangar and Council has been approached by a number of very reputable people over the past few days.

“As also stated by Rex, this was a separate project and Council looks forward to continuing its partnership with Rex in Wagga Wagga.”



Contact Josh Lang 6926 9190/0437 385 892 or or follow us on Twitter - @WaggaCouncil