Road closures for Anzac Day services

Published: 29 May 2018 4:19pm

Road closures for Anzac Day services - 22 April 2016


A number of road closures will take place from Sunday, 24 April evening until noon on Anzac Day.

These road closures will be undertaken by an external traffic control contractor, which will result in an approximate saving of $5000.

“Staff were asked to consider working on Anzac Day,” General Manger Alan Eldridge said.

“Because engaging a traffic contractor would cost approximately $5000 less, traffic control staff were asked to consider being remunerated by way of Time Off In Lieu for the hours worked on Anzac Day.

“Little support was shown for this approach and as a result, an external traffic control service was engaged for the event.

“Some Council staff will be on hand to assist and liaise with the external traffic service to ensure this year’s events run smoothly.”

The details for this year’s road closures are below.

Road closures: Anzac Day, 25 April

Detours around each road closure will be indicated by signs

  • Preparations for Anzac Day Centenary services: Baylis St CLOSED from Morrow St to Wollundry Lagoon Bridge and Morrow St CLOSED from Peter St to Baylis St. Duration: 6pm  Sun 24 April to 5am Mon 25 April
  • Anzac Day Dawn service: Baylis St CLOSED from near Tompson St to Wollundry Lagoon Bridge and Morrow St CLOSED from the eastern side of Baylis St to the eastern side of Peter St Duration: Mon 25 April 5am to 7am
  • Anzac Day – pre-parade organisation: Baylis St CLOSED from south side of Morrow Street to the north side of Morgan St (not including cross streets). Duration: Mon 25/04/2016 6.45am to 9.30am
  • Anzac Day parade and commemorative service: Baylis St CLOSED from south side of Morgan St to the north side of the Lagoon Bridge. Duration: Mon 25 April 9.30am to noon
  • Anzac Day parade: Morgan Street CLOSED from the western side of Berry Street to the western side of Baylis Street. Duration: Mon 25 April 9.30am to 10.30am.