Apex Park car park and boat ramp upgrades now complete
Published: 28 Sep 2016 3:24pm
A bigger, better car park and boat ramp at Apex Park in Lake Albert is now open.
The works are part of a $700,000 upgrade to improve the usability, safety and aesthetic appeal of the popular recreational area.
"The completion of these works will provide many more years of enjoyment at the lake for all recreational and boat users," Director Environmental and Community Services Janice Summerhayes said.
"Lake Albert is already a popular destination for residents and visitors, improving accessibility will no doubt help boost this popularity."
The redesigned car park increases the number of boat trailer parking bays to 20 and car parking spaces to 61, with an additional four disabled parking bays, and adds two new rigging bays.
The existing boat ramp has been widened from 7.5m to 8m to accommodate two cars on the ramp at the same time.
Additional works also included a complete surface reseal of the car park, kerb and guttering, installation of new solar lights, signage, line marking, landscaping and irrigation.
"We are pleased to have the new car park ready to go ahead of the warmer months when the use of the lake increases," Mrs Summerhayes said.
"We would also like to thank residents for their patience during this project, with wet weather delaying the completion of the works by about two months."
Due to high water levels, shoreline works included in this upgrade project will be carried out once water levels permits.
The Apex Park upgrade has been a partnership project funded by the Road and Maritime Services and the City of Wagga Wagga.
Media Opportunity
What: Completion of Apex Park car park and boat ramp works
When: Wednesday 28 September at 11.30am
Where: Apex Park car park (off Eastlake Drive)
Who: Manager Environment and Recreation Services Ben Creighton