Roundtable to consider roadmap for an inclusive community

Published: 27 Apr 2017 9:59am

A roundtable discussion hosted by the Mayor of the City of Wagga Wagga, Councillor Greg Conkey OAM, will mark the start of the second round of community engagement for the Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP).

DIAP has been drafted and placed on public exhibition following an extensive community engagement process.

Community Sector Manager Janice Summerhayes says DIAP has been developed with the people it impacts most and is the City of Wagga Wagga’s four year roadmap for creating a liveable community for all.

"The plan gives us a strong strategic direction to be able to provide facilities and services that people living with a disability need to maintain independence and engage with everyday community life," she said.

"We want to make sure the City considers access and inclusion in everything we do."

The plan identifies a number of actions to be implemented over the four year period to improve attitudes and behaviours, accessibility and inclusion, meaningful employment options, and access to information about available services. These actions include:

  • Changing language to reflect capability
  • Applying universal design principles
  • Increasing awareness
  • Additional training and resources for City of Wagga Wagga staff
  • Conduct audits of access to City buildings and facilities and complete designs and construction of upgrades as funding permits
  • All abilities playground at Bolton Park precinct
  • Increase accessible parking options
  • Provide one fixed and one mobile accessible adult change facilities
  • Increase number of people with a disability employed at Council towards a 10% target

Councillor Conkey says it is important to get feedback on these actions before the plan is considered by Council for adoption.

"While the plan incorporates feedback already collected via a number of ways including public meeting, one on one conversations, stakeholder forums, from the broader community online and Wagga View consultations, it is important to make sure we’ve heard you correctly," he said.

In addition to the roundtable discussion and other stakeholder meetings, the plan will be on public exhibition until Wednesday 24 May and is available to view online at or by request. Submissions can be made in writing in one of the following ways:

Mail: PO Box 20, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
Deliver: Civic Centre Customer Service, Cnr Baylis St and Morrow St

The Disability Inclusion Action Plan links strategically with Wagga View: Community Strategic Plan 2040, a city wide strategy with a vision to make Wagga Wagga a thriving, innovative, connected and inclusive community.