New rules for temporary event signage
Published: 04 Dec 2017 3:34pm
Event organisers are set to gain certainty about where and how they can promote their upcoming events, as a result of Wagga Wagga City Council’s new guidelines for temporary event signage.
To date, it has been unclear as to where temporary event signage can be placed resulting in inconsistencies in both approvals and policing of signage.
New guidelines have been developed based on the Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and relevant State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs) for the placement of temporary event signage across the City.
“These guidelines clearly outline who is eligible to erect temporary signage and the process they need to follow when promoting their event,” Wagga Wagga City Council Director Community Janice Summerhayes said.
“We want to assist in the promotion of local events, ensure they are promoted in appropriate locations, and stem any confusion that previously has resulted in the removal of temporary signage.”
Event organisers can now to choose from eight approved locations for displaying their temporary event signage.
The eight approved locations are:
- Jubilee Park, Corner Red Hill Rd and Bourke Street
- Lake Albert, Corner Lake Albert Road and Lakeside Drive
- Hampden Avenue, North Wagga, near Wilks Park
- Corner of Macleay Street and Lord Baden Powell Drive
- Lake Albert Road, near Copland Street
- Corner of Tarcutta and Cross Street
- Cox Park, Kincaid Street
- Bolton Park, Tarcutta Street
“Council’s changes will make it much easier for us to advertise our local events and we look forward to displaying our temporary event signage at the approved locations across the City,” Founder Tiny Tykes Markets Donna Field said.
Infrastructure to display signs will be erected at each of the approved locations.
Eligible event holders must be a not-for-profit incorporated organisation or a commercial organisation promoting a community event, with the proposed event taking place in Wagga Wagga City Council Local Government Area.
Each event organiser will be eligible to erect up to six signs to advertise their community event, including a maximum of four in approved locations and two at the event location. View the full list of conditions, assess your eligibility or apply for a booking at