Share your thoughts on Dunns Road

Published: 14 May 2018 9:39am

Community members are invited to share their thoughts on the long-term future of Dunns Road at a drop-in session on 22 May.

In the lead up to the 2016 federal election, it was announced Council would receive a $2.5M grant for Dunns Road, to be matched by Council.

At the September 2017 Council Meeting, it was resolved to engage a consultant to determine the scope and cost of works required to upgrade Dunns Road, as initial costings found the project may exceed the $5M budget.

Council’s Manager Technical and Strategy Peter Ross said the consultants will be in Wagga Wagga later this month to gather community feedback, which will be compiled with the technical information and costings before being presented to Council at a coming meeting.

“The independent consultants are undertaking an in-depth study, reviewing the existing design for Dunns Road and determining the scope of works that would be required to upgrade it,” he said.

“They will also be taking into account the traffic flow-on effects if Dunns Road was upgraded and they are looking forward to hearing the thoughts of nearby residents and the wider community so they can provide a complete picture of the project to Council.”

Along with the community drop-in session, residents can share their thoughts on Dunns Road online at from 14 to 23 May. Additional meetings will also be held with groups that have submitted recent petitions to Council on Dunns Road.

Share your thoughts on Dunns Road

  • Monday 21 May, 12.30pm to 1.30pm: Petitioners for closing Dunns Road (Council Meeting Room, cnr Baylis and Morrow streets)
  • Monday 21 May, 6pm to 7pm: Petitioners for sealing Dunns Road (Uranqunity Community Hall, Baker Street)
  • Tuesday 22 May, 12.30pm to 1.30pm: General public (Council Meeting Room, cnr Baylis and Morrow streets)
  • Have your say online at from Monday 14 May to Wednesday 23 May