Tarcutta, Ladysmith and Uranquinty residents called on to share their experiences to help develop Floodplain Risk Management Studies and Plans
Published: 31 Jan 2019 9:38am
Residents of Tarcutta, Ladysmith and Uranquinty are being asked to share their experiences of flooding in their area as the next stage of the Floodplain Risk Management Program gets underway.
The NSW Government program consists of five stages to help councils make informed decisions about what measures are needed to reduce and manage flood risk.
Flood studies for the three villages were completed in late 2014, which carried out detailed hydrologic and hydraulic computer modelling to define the range of possible floods that can occur in each village.
Floodplain Risk Management Studies and Plans for Tarcutta, Ladysmith and Uranquinty are now being developed to help identify and recommend appropriate actions to manage flooding in these communities.
“Tarcutta, Ladysmith and Uranquinty each experienced severe flooding in the October 2010 and March 2012 floods that swept through the Murrumbidgee basin,” Wagga Wagga City Council’s Director Commercial Operations Caroline Angel said.
“Many properties were flooded during the floods, with October 2010 causing more extensive damage and wider evacuation.
“Flood Studies for these three villages were carried out in late 2014, with detailed hydrologic and hydraulic computer modelling to define the range of possible floods that can occur in each town.
“The documents now being developed will make a detailed assessment of flood risk in each of the three villages and will include investigating a range of possible measures Council may use to reduce or manage flood risk in the towns.
“We would like to hear your experiences of flooding to better understand how flooding occurs in these villages and what measures may improve the current flood situation.”
Council has appointed flood engineering specialists GRC Hydro to complete the Floodplain Risk Management Studies and Plans.
Tarcutta, Uranquinty and Ladysmith residents have been mailed an information pack and questionnaire, which can also be completed online at wagga.nsw.gov.au/floodfutures.
Residents are asked to complete the surveys by Friday 1 March 2019 to ensure their feedback can be included in the development of the documents.