
Landscaping project to deter dumping

Published: 03 Jul 2019 2:44pm

Wagga Wagga City Council is a hedge of the game when it comes to landscaping.

Council has completed landscaping works of nature strips in Joyes Place, Tolland as part of its Don’t Dump, its Dumb project.

Funded by the NSW EPA, the project trialled the landscaping works to deter illegal kerbside dumping within the area. The works included native plantings to prevent dumping on the nature strip and beautify their streetscape.

To date, the project has resulted in a 55 per cent reduction in illegal kerbside dumping.

Along with the landscaping completed by Council’s Parks and Gardens staff last month, a designated area for residents to use for the pre-booked hard waste collection.

Council’s hard waste service allows residents to dispose of eligible larger household items up to two cubic metres in total. Properties that pay the domestic waste management service charge can access one free hard waste collection per year.

To make a booking and for conditions, visit yourwaste.com.au/hardwaste.