Can We Help 2020: supporting our city’s youth
Published: 21 Aug 2020 9:17am
Council has developed a range of resources to support the Can We Help 2020 initiative with the assistance of $5,000 in funding through the Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network Youth Community Grants program.
The Can We Help 2020 initiative aims to connect young people and their families and carers with key information on the support available from local agencies, such as youth-specific crisis accommodation, food security, and mental health and wellbeing support services.
Council’s Youth Development Officer Vanessa Jennings said the Can We Help 2020 initiative connects young people to key frontline youth services operating in the city.
“Wagga has a fantastic network of agencies ready to support our youth,” Ms Jennings said.
“The Can We Help initiative is all about ensuring young people have the right contact information at their fingertips, so they can seek out support if they need it.
“We’re working with young people along with wellbeing coordinators and facilitators at local high schools, community hubs and agencies, so staff can assist young people to access services.”
The resources were developed based on consultation with young people, service providers and wellbeing staff at local high schools, identifying what information young people needed and wanted. The Can We Help 2020 support material, including posters, flyers and flip cards, are available from all local high schools, community centres and youth services locations.
Information is also available on Council’s website, the Youth of Wagga Facebook and Instagram pages, and on bus stop posters across the city, maximising the promotion of this vital information to the community.
The Can We Help 2020 initiative is supported by Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network and Mission Australia.
Visit Can We Help for more information