Gregadoo Road upgrade in design stage
Published: 14 Feb 2020 11:09am
The upgrade and widening of a major thoroughfare road in Lake Albert is a step closer.
A report to Council’s Ordinary Meeting on 10 February outlined a two-stage $4.7M project for the Gregadoo Road upgrade which is scheduled to start next year.
A definite start date is yet to be set while community engagement with landholders in the area continues.
Sections of land adjacent to the road are required for the widening to take place to enable a 30-metre uniform corridor for the entire length of the road from Plumpton Road to Mitchell Road.
“It’s still early in the planning stage of the project but there is progress,” Council Director Commercial Operations Caroline Angel said.
“We started liaising with residents late last year and have explained the project and what needs to happen for the upgrade to proceed. Our consultations have been positive, and that process of community engagement will continue.
“It’s a road rehabilitation project which has been on Council’s radar for some time and funding is now available to work towards a detailed design.
“This is a project which will address a number of traffic concerns. The design will also include pedestrian accesses and pathways in the area.”
The project is planned to take place over two stages.
Stage one comprises development of a roundabout at the intersection of Plumpton Road and Gregadoo Road, upgrading of the intersection of Plunkett Drive and Gregadoo Road and upgrading of the connecting roads and approaches to these intersections together with drainage upgrades and relocation of necessary services.
Stage two is the remainder of Gregadoo Road.
Council is funding the project with $3.5M and Roads to Recovery grant funding of $1.2M.