Levee Bank upgrade progress
Published: 10 Jan 2020 1:28pm
Construction on Wagga Wagga's $23M levee bank upgrade project has continued early in the new year with sheetpiling caps and the shared pathway the focus of new works.
Stage 2 of the upgrade includes six kilometres of levee bank of which almost two kilometres required sheetpiling work.
This work was completed in November 2019 and now brings the Main City Levee to a 1 in 100 year level of protection against flooding.
Capping along the sheet piling is scheduled for completion early next week while the concrete path forming the Levee Link shared pathway is continuing adjacent to Tarcutta Street and is due for completion at the end of February.
This work will then be followed by grass establishment and landscaping, along with the completion of floodgates, walking trails, handrails and access points.
The upgrade of the Murrumbidgee River levee system in Wagga started in 2017 with Stage 2 starting in 2019.
The first section of Stage 2, from 100 metres north of Wiradjuri Bridge to the Wagga Beach/Johnston Street, was completed in October.
The project includes contributions from Wagga City Council ($7.75M), the State Government ($4.1M) and the Federal Government ($10M).