In the swim: classes start again at Oasis
Published: 10 Jul 2020 3:32pm
Restrictions are gradually easing at the Oasis Regional Aquatic Centre, with aqua and ‘dry-land’ classes restarting, and swimming lessons on the way.
The need to call ahead and book a swim time has also been reduced. Members now only need to book ahead if they plan to use the indoor pool between 4–7pm on weekdays. All other times are freely available.
Oasis Programs Supervisor Fiona Claridge said the first few weeks since reopening had been positive.
“We didn’t know if people were going to come, but everyone has been super happy and impressed with the cleaning procedures we have in place,” Ms Claridge said.
“It’s been really nice to see our members back.”
Aqua aerobics classes have restarted, as have the dry-land classes for over 50s in the gym.
“Our first aqua class booked out, so we ran an additional class to cater for everyone who was going to miss out,” Ms Claridge said.
“We also had a great turn-out for our first dry-land class.
“A lot of what we do here has a social aspect which is important. Everyone is just really happy to see each other and get back into doing something physical.”
The Oasis team were still asking members to limit their time at the facility.
“Even though our showers and changerooms are now available, we’re encouraging people to arrive dressed and ready for their swim, and to shower at home afterwards if possible,” Ms Claridge said.
“We want you to get your exercise, while still minimising your contact with others.”
Although splash and fun swimming remains unavailable due to current restrictions, many families will be keen to book in for swimming lessons, which will kick-off from Monday 20 July.
“We’re happy to be open,” Ms Claridge said.
“It’s great to have classes back and we’re looking forward to swimming lessons starting. We know there are a lot of kids in the city keen to get into the water again.”
Oasis update
Swimming lessons start Monday 20 July
Bookings open Monday 13 July. Please call reception on ph. 02 6926 9390.
New opening hours from Monday 20 July
Monday to Friday: 6.00am–8.00pm
Saturday and Sunday: 8.30am–3.00pm