New marketplace platform to benefit regional business
Published: 12 Jun 2020 3:13pm
Wagga Wagga City Council has launched a platform to help Council identify regional suppliers for their projects and works in an effort to increase opportunities and investment in the regional economy.
Council Director Corporate Services Natalie Te Pohe said this digital procurement system will change the way businesses currently provide a submission for Council works.
Council is now using VendorPanel Marketplace portal which is free for suppliers to use to submit quotes and proposals for tender processes.
Mrs Te Pohe said registered suppliers can receive invitations to quote on work across dozens of categories, from trade services to road supplies.
“The platform manages all communication between buyers and suppliers, reducing admin, saving time and ensuring procurement good practice is followed,” Mrs Te Pohe said.
“There is greater emphasis on educating businesses on how to register for notification when tenders and quotation opportunities become available, and how to complete the submission through Council’s new portal.
“This will enable all businesses to have more accessibility in providing goods and services across the Regional Joint Organisation Area.
“Council recognises that through supporting regional businesses it can assist in economic sustainability that will flow to social benefits across regional communities.”
VendorPanel Chief Executive Officer James Leathem said the economic benefits in regional areas using Marketplace are proven.
He said an audited case study of 26 councils using the platform found that in 84.4% of cases jobs were awarded to local suppliers. The study also found that local suppliers were competitive, delivering on average 9.74% savings to the buyer.
“Local Government and large businesses want to work with local suppliers where they can. In fact, locals are often better placed to meet buyers’ needs than larger, distant competitors. VendorPanel Marketplace makes it easy for large organisations to find local suppliers and get better procurement outcomes, and it helps SMEs in the region to get access to these opportunities,” Mr Leathem said.
Local businesses are encouraged to register at www.vendorpanel.com/wagga-wagga-registration. VendorPanel Marketplace is free to suppliers and offers a way to get in front of Council buyers and have a good opportunity to win work.