Stormwater infrastructure contribution: Council seeks community feedback on updated plan
Published: 19 Jun 2020 11:05am
Wagga Wagga City Council has updated the plan setting stormwater infrastructure contributions for development and has released the plan for public exhibition.
The draft Development Servicing Plan Stormwater 2020 sets the infrastructure contribution developers pay to help fund the infrastructure needed to support development of the city.
Contributions Coordinator Belinda Maclure explained the plan, saying while the update mostly affected developers, it would also affect residents wanting to develop their own property.
“When a section of land is developed, the developer pays an infrastructure contribution to Council,” Ms Maclure said.
“We then use those contributions to pay for identified infrastructure required for that area specifically, and the city generally. As the City grows, we need more infrastructure to manage the potential impacts and provide the level of service our community expects.
“The stormwater plan caters for the future having regard to our current assets and what is needed for the future. This ensures that infrastructure is provided in a coordinated and financially sustainable manner.”
The draft Development Servicing Plan Stormwater 2020 and the draft Implementation Guide for the Development Servicing Plan Stormwater 2020 are currently on public exhibition with submissions open until 12 August 2020.
To view the plans, visit connect.wagga.nsw.gov.au/stormwaterdsp