Community groups receive funding through ClubGRANTS program
Published: 19 Aug 2021 3:37pm
The successful recipients of the 2021 ClubGRANTS scheme for the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area were announced this week, with 15 local not-for-profit community groups and charities to share in $131,967 in funding.
Wagga Wagga City Council coordinates the local ClubGRANTS committee made up of a representative from Wagga RSL Club, Rules Club Wagga, Communities and Justice and a non-government representative.
The ClubGRANTS scheme is a state-wide initiative which provides the framework for registered clubs to directly fund local priority projects and services.
Director Community Janice Summerhayes said the committee was pleased to be able to conduct the scheme this year, after it was deferred in 2020 due to COVID-19.
“The funding provided through this program assists groups that may not have been able to secure financial assistance through other means,” Ms Summerhayes said.
“It helps to ensure the valued services and projects they provide to our community continue to be delivered.”
The 2021 recipients and successful projects are:
Ashmont Churches Caring for Children – Breakfast Program.
Miracle Babies Foundation – Supporting families with premature or sick babies in Wagga Wagga Base Hospital.
Carevan Wagga Incorporated – Additional two-door upright freezer and installation of three-phase power to upgrade power supply at Carevan Warehouse.
STARTTS – Multicultural Women’s Art Project.
Linking Communities Network – Riverina Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service – Emergency Support Packages.
Gidget Foundation – Gidget House Wagga Wagga Extended Hours Pilot Program.
Pro Patria Centre – Pro Patria Centre Project.
Willans Hill School – Willans Hill School Bus.
Cancer Council – Relay for Life.
Rural Outreach Counselling – Matekeeper Volunteer.
SHINE for Kids – Connecting Kids Wagga.
Sunflower House – Purchase of a second car to provide one-on-one support to members.
Riding for Disabled (NSW) – Riding lessons for disabled children.
TAD – Freedom Wheels Assessments for Wagga Wagga residents.
Defence Shed Wagga Wagga – Defence Shed Wagga Wagga Workshop WHS.
Under the ClubGRANTS scheme, clubs in NSW which earn more than $1 million annually in gaming machine revenue provide funding for community projects and services, and in turn receive dollar-for-dollar gaming tax deductions.