Exterior of end of trip facility

Projects & Works

On your bike! New End of Trip facilities open

Published: 12 Aug 2021 3:38pm

Two ‘End of Trip’ facilities are now open in Wagga Wagga’s CBD, making it easier for people to choose cycling as their main form of transport to and from the city.

The Wagga Wagga City Council facilities are located near the Oasis Aquatic Centre in Morgan Street and the Visitor Information Centre in Tarcutta Street.

Strategic Asset Planner Ben Creighton said they are an important asset for those who want to ride to Wagga Wagga’s CBD for work or for social or shopping activities.

“They will allow all cyclists, both residents and visitors alike, to securely park their bikes and shower or change before heading to the office or shops,” he said. “They will also promote a healthier and more active community.

“This is part of our broader Active Travel Plan. Between the two stages of the plan, we are talking more than 55-kilometres of cycleway across the city. It’s a very innovative project for the city.”

Exterior of end of trip facility next to indoor pool complex
CENTRAL LOCATION: Get your access card to use the two new End of Trip facilities in Wagga Wagga’s CDB

The End of Trip facilities includes secure bicycle parking, bicycle lockers, a bike repair state, water bottle filling station, sensor lights and 24-hour CCTV surveillance.

The Visitor Information Centre also has a shower and change room available, while you can also access the showers and change rooms at the Oasis Aquatic Centre for a fee.

An access pass is required to use the facilities which are open 24 hours per day, seven days a week.

woman and man standing either side of bike on rack
SAFE & SECURE: Bicycle Wagga Wagga’s Emily Graham tests out the new End of Trip facility near the Visitor Information Centre with Council’s Strategic Asset Planner Ben Creighton.

Emily Graham from Bicycle Wagga Wagga said the End of Trip facilities are a welcome addition to the city as part of the Active Travel Plan.

“To get in and out of work and to have a safe place to park their bicycles, and also to have a facility where you can shower and refresh before going to work, is a positive step,” she said.

“We see it as being a great asset for the city as it really encourages people to use their bikes to commute into town.”

Access cards cost $5. Apply for your card at wagga.nsw.gov.au/endoftrip