Annual Grant funding announced for 62 recipients
Published: 27 Jul 2021 11:09am
Wagga Wagga City Council has supported 62 projects through its 2021/22 Annual Grants Program.
Council last night endorsed allocating $226,674 in funding across 10 grant categories, including various community, cultural, environmental, recreational, small business, and youth-led initiatives.
The Annual Grants Program this year attracted 111 applications in the following 10 categories:
Community Programs and Projects; Recreational Facilities; Neighbourhood and Rural Villages; Rural Halls; Arts, Culture and Creative Industries; Local Heritage; Events; Natural Environment; Youth Led Initiatives; and Small Business.
Mayor of the City of Wagga Wagga Councillor Greg Conkey OAM said the Annual Grants Program signalled Council’s significant support for community events, ideas, programs and the local business community.
“We all know the past 16 months have been tough for residents, community organisations and business, as we’ve grappled with the impacts of COVID-19 on our day-to-day interactions, social activities and the economy,” Cr Conkey said.
“In the face of these ongoing challenges, it is important for Council to continue providing support across the entire community.
“The Annual Grants Program allows us to support local non-profit community groups, individuals and small business with projects which directly benefit our community and enhance our wellbeing.”
The 2021/22 Annual Grants Program recipients covered a wide range of projects and initiatives, from the Wagga Aboriginal Women’s Group Inc ‘Marramarra Aboriginal Markets’ to Big Springs Homestead’s ‘Sculptures of the Riverina’ event.
“The variety of successful applicants reinforces just how diverse, inclusive and progressive our community is,” Cr Conkey said.
“We look forward to seeing these projects come to fruition over the next year.”
The grants program aligns with Council’s Community Strategic Plan 2040 and is part of its commitment to developing a strong, vibrant, diverse and creative community.
2021/22 Annual Grants Program Recipients
EVENTS - $22,274
Thirsty Crow Brewing Co. - $6274
Work alongside Wagga Wagga Show Society to present ‘Ocrowberfest’, which will form part of Wagga Wagga Annual Show at the Kyeamba Smith Hall.
Wagga Aboriginal Women’s Group Inc - $4000
‘Marramarra Aboriginal Markets’ will feature stores run by local First Nations artists and businesses selling products and showcasing their unique talents and cultural knowledge.
Wagga Wagga Country Club Ltd - $4000
Wagga Wagga Country Club 2022 Women’s Pro-Am.
Big Springs Homestead - $4000
‘Sculptures of the Riverina’ event will showcase Australian sculptures and artworks.
Bidgee Dragons Inc - $1000
‘TRIBE Challenge’ on Lake Albert, featuring a 6 on 6 reverse tug-of-war where two crews face off in a dragon boat.
Inspire Church Wagga - $1000
Christmas community neighbourhood event showcasing talent from people of all ages, through the telling of the story of Christmas, followed by a Christmas Carnival.
The Trustee for Country Hope Trust - $1000
‘Christmas Hope’ - a Christmas celebration and gift day for diagnosed children and their families.
Uranquinty CWA Evening Branch - $500
'Sconversation' forum for people to engage and have important conversations, connecting and increasing awareness of mental health.
Estella Progress Association - $500
Annual Christmas party provides an opportunity for residents to come together and enjoy an afternoon of fun for the kids.
Wagga City Rugby Male Choir and Murrumbidgee Magic Chorus - $5000
To purchase a set of performance riser platforms for use where there is no stage or at outdoor sites.
Nest Studio - $5000
‘Self and Surroundings’ comprises a mural and workshops exploring the people of Wagga Wagga and their diversity through the visual medium of collage.
Harold Gretton - $5000
‘Crowded Chamber’ features five chamber music concerts across three venues in central Wagga Wagga and Kooringal.
Theatre on Toast - $4964
‘Live Long & Sparkle’ is an interactive and family-friendly dance party, aimed at celebrating Rainbow Families, to be held on Sunday 13 March after Wagga Wagga Mardi Gras.
Anglicare - $4322
To display local First Nations art within the community centre.
Salad Days - $7500 (Sustainability Incubator Support)
‘Halfway Print Fest’ will bring together zine makers from across NSW, ACT and VIC for an immersive celebration of DIY culture.
Riverina Community College - $6314 (Sustainability Incubator Support
To support The Art Factory to develop a Strategic Business Plan.
Bluearth Foundation - $5000
‘Active Schools’ program to provide schools with access to a sustainable and evidence-based whole-body health and fitness program.
Sunflower House Incorporated - $5000
A five-month art program for Sunflower House members which includes expressive drawing, acrylic painting, portrait painting, clay sculpting and mural painting.
Afghan Hazara Community of Wagga Wagga- $4384
Host four events at times of cultural significance to promote intercultural dialogue, awareness, acceptance and learning.
NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors - $4300
To assist with Multicultural Women’s Arts Group – a weekly creative engagement program for women from refugee backgrounds.
Turvey Park Public School - $3500
Students from schools in the Wagga Wagga LGA to be able to access a refugee environmental hub at the Riverina Environmental Education Centre.
Bespoke Fashion Inc -$3400
To assist with a project to help meet the demands for basic sewing skills and knowledge through no-cost classes.
Wagga Women’s Health Centre - $2070
To assist with meditation and mindfulness sessions open to all clients and women (or anyone presenting as a woman) in the community.
Wagga Derby Dolls Incorporated (aka Riverina Rollers) - $1832
To assist in purchase of protective equipment, three hit pads for training and roller skates to offset the initial cost of joining roller derby.
Carevan Wagga Incorporated - $514
To assist in purchase of food containers and additional equipment for safe transport of food.
Madeline Clark - $3400
Repair timber sash windows and replace glass panels in French door and front windows on an historic house at Kyeamba.
Jennifer Read- $2775
Restore the lower front timber veranda of a property in a heritage area.
Nicole Cross - $2775
Replacement of deteriorated roofing of the veranda of a property in a heritage area.
Mackenna Powell - $2775
Remediation works to existing awning on a property in Fitzmaurice Street.
Kim Wilson - $2775
Replacement of roof sheeting of a property in a heritage area.
Catholic Diocese of Wagga Wagga - $1000
Conservation and restoration of verandas as part of a restoration plan for the Mt Erin convent building.
Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare - $2750
Purchase a trailer to allow the group to increase the scale of its activities, particularly relating to revegetation and rubbish removal working bees.
Rotary Club of South Wagga Wagga - $2330
Continuation of the ‘Reconnecting and invigorating community with Intergenerational knowledge sharing through the Rocky Hill Project’.
Collette Geier - $1232
Develop a garden on disused Council land on the northern corner of Fernleigh Road and Macleay Street.
Ladysmith Playgroup - $5000
‘Creative Youth Connections’ will facilitate local theatre and performing arts company Oddball as Artist in Residence at Ladysmith Playgroup.
Kachin Community of Wagga Wagga - $4995
‘Wai'miya De'kekah’ (To Share through Music) project aims to add to the pool of resources for local cultural communities to be able to independently host events and celebrations.
Lake Albert Playgroup - $4321
Renew the playgroup’s recreational equipment.
Wagga Wagga Camera Group - $3424
To purchase a laptop and television monitor to digitally view, edit and share their work.
LikeMind Wagga - $2480
Community movie screening day of the film 'Dhuluyarra (speak truly) Aunty & Uncle'.
Humula Citizens and Sports Club - $1000
Camp Fire Fun - Music and Dinner.
Ladysmith Memorial Hall - $780
To purchase an energy-efficient fridge.
Wagga Wagga Touch Association - $7500
Supply and erection of a scoreboard.
Wagga Bidgee Canoe Club - $7500
Purchase of a 40-foot shipping container to be installed at the riverside area to assist with storage for the club’s kayak trailer.
Wagga Wagga School of Arts - $7000
Upgrade the lighting grid in The Basement Theatre.
Wagga Rugby League Inc - $4013
Purchase of kitchen equipment to enhance food safety.
Hopwood Park Tennis Club - $3573
Preserve the Hopwood Park tennis courts.
Wagga Combined Hockey Association - $2000
Purchase and installation of two LED scoreboards for both synthetic hockey fields at the Jubilee Park Hockey Complex.
RURAL HALLS - $16,272
Euberta Public Hall - $8023
Install concrete paving and widen supper room door to improve access for people with restricted mobility.
Uranquinty Progress Association Inc - $4388
Paint the main hall and kitchen ceilings, replacing tables and maintenance tasks.
Tarcutta Soldiers Memorial Hall Land Managers - $3861
Toilet replumbing to make use of the male and female outside toilet block.
Zana Aerial Dance Academy - $3910
Purchase a customised trailer to transport portable rig and associated equipment to offsite shows and workshops.
Prickly Lizard Events - $2287
To assist in purchase of a generator and exterior signage for a mobile coffee van.
Sculpted Jewels - $2000
To assist in purchase of a casting machine and burnout furnace, to be available locally for use by local artisans.
The Little Yellow House Gallery- $1720
To run a selection of arts workshops starting with a program for Emergency Service/First Response/Health workers.
Ashleigh Pengelly - $1583
Purchase a sublimation printing machine for retail products made in the Wagga Wagga LGA.
Alice Peacock - $1000
Purchase a professional grade projector to enable business to start accepting small to medium sized projection work.
Wagga Aboriginal Women’s Group Inc - $3000
A youth program bringing local Aboriginal girls together for a two-day cultural emersion experience.
Alphabet Soup Youth Group - $3000
Alphabet Soup Youth disco and Alphabet Soup educational youth screening aim to create an inclusive and supportive environment for the young LGBTQI+ community.
Mitchell Kingsland - $3000
Funding for disadvantaged students to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Award at Wagga Wagga High School.
Bella Ingram - $3000
A series of three small live music events designed to connect young people to their community, also featuring guest speakers on youth mental health and wellbeing.
Kayne Lyndon - $3000
A mentored music production program developed in conjunction with our young people.