Civic Theatre is open with restrictions in place
Published: 16 Jul 2021 2:06pm
Wagga Wagga Civic Theatre remains open but at a reduced capacity in line with NSW COVID-19 restrictions.
Theatre Manager Carissa Campbell said many theatre plans have been cancelled during July, and there will be more to come, as restrictions in NSW and border closures continue to impact performing arts.
“The last few weeks have been a stark reminder that COVID is not behind us,” Ms Campbell said.
“We are however, feeling fortunate to be located in regional NSW and remain optimistic about the rest of the year. The shows do go on where travel restrictions allow.
“The good news is that under government health guidelines, the theatre can and does remain open. We are currently restricting our audiences to 50 per cent and masks are mandatory.
“We are excited to proceed with our Music at Midday and Music in the Evening concerts featuring the Australian Army Band Kapooka on Wednesday 21 July and we are doing whatever we can to support performing artists within the guidelines and restrictions."
To find the latest details on performances, visit civictheatre.com.au
As part of Council’s COVID-19 Safety Plan, QR code check-in, strict social distancing and hygiene protocols are in place across its facilities in line with NSW Public Health Orders.
For all your Council-related coronavirus COVID-19 updates, visit wagga.nsw.gov.au/coronavirus