RiFL earthworks and rail corridor on track
Published: 02 Jul 2021 9:33am
Construction of the multi-million dollar Riverina Intermodal Freight and Logistics (RiFL) Hub is nearing a significant milestone with contractors close to completing bulk earthworks on the site.
These works are about 90 per cent finished with approximately 700,000 cubic metres of cut and fill completed since heavy machinery moved on to the site in Bomen in January this year.
RiFL Hub Project Director Darryl Woods said there has also been a strong focus on the rail corridor infrastructure which is progressing since work started in May and leading up to the rail track construction which is scheduled for September.
“These works along the rail corridor are progressing well. Recent rain events have not significantly impacted on progress to date which is allowing us to reach those important milestones.” Mr Woods said.
“Various components of works continue alongside the earthmoving rail corridor development, such as stormwater and drainage infrastructure, utility works including the relocation of electricity assets and communications networks.”
Mr Woods said signalling works are also underway with the southern and northern turnout connections. Deliveries of rail materials are ongoing at the site in preparation for track construction.
“We continue to work with all stakeholders and project partners in a Covid-safe environment as we near the first six months of on-site construction,” he said.
The RiFL Hub is a central feature of the recently adopted Special Activation Precinct (SAP) masterplan. Council has been developing the RiFL Hub program over several years involving three stages for this project.
The current stage of development is being funded through the NSW Government Restart NSW program, Growing Local Economies Fund, and the Transport for NSW Fixing Country Rail program.