Projects & Works

BMX track works ramping up

Published: 08 Oct 2021 1:08pm

Bulk excavation is nearing completion as works ramp up at the new BMX track at Wagga Wagga’s Multi Sport Cycling Complex on Pomingalarna Reserve.

Contractors moved their heavy machinery on to the track site this week and have made significant progress with construction of the 5-metre and 2.5-metre starting ramps.

Contractors working on the BMX track  at the Multi Sport Cycling Complex at Pomingalarna Reserve  started on site this week and have made significant progress  on the bulk earthworks. Heavy machinery operators working  on the two start ramps and the berms have been assisted  by a week of good weather.
WORK UNDERWAY: Contractors working on the BMX track at the Multi Sport Cycling Complex at Pomingalarna Reserve started on site this week and have made significant progress on the bulk earthworks. Heavy machinery operators working on the two start ramps and the berms have been assisted by a week of good weather.

Berms and various other elements are also being shaped up in line with the track design by Dirtz Australia.

Wagga Wagga City Council Project Manager Tom Lemerle said the ramps construction was a visible feature of the project in the first week.

“The track has been designed to AusCycling certification standards,” Mr Lemerle said.

“The 2.5 metre start ramp will be extendable to eight metres for major events. Both ramps will be covered by shelters and will feature ProStart Gates from the USA.”

Aerial view of the BMX track site where construction has started this week.
DIRT WORKS: Aerial view of the BMX track site where construction has started this week.

Mr Lemerle said the track - made up for four straights totalling 400 metres - will have a polymer finish and asphalt corners.

It is also being lit with 300 lux lighting with spectating space provided around the track

A designer’s drawings of how the top class facility will look when complete.
BMX TRACK DESIGN: A designer’s drawings of how the top class facility will look when complete.

The track is Stage 2 of the complex project and is being funded by Council. Practical completion date for the project is April 2022, weather permitting.

Council is also urging community members to stay clear of the construction site.

“To ensure everyone’s safety, we ask that users of the Pomingalarna Reserve respect the construction fencing and remain outside of the site while works are completed,” Mr Lemerle said.