Council extends deadline for New Year’s Eve EOIs
Published: 28 Sep 2021 3:26pm
Council has extended the deadline for expressions of interest (EOI) for event organisers or groups to host the city’s New Year’s Eve celebrations for 2021 and 2022.
The expressions of interest now close midnight Wednesday 6 October 2021.
Director Community Janice Summerhayes said the one week extension would allow event organisers extra time to complete their submissions and give other interested parties time to apply.
“We’ve been contacted by a number of interested parties, and we’re hoping that the extra time will give people who weren’t going to make the first deadline the chance to get their submission in,” Ms Summerhayes said.
“It’s certainly worth the effort – we have $54,000 of funding available for interested event organisers to plan and host the 2021 New Year’s Eve event."
The NSW Government’s ‘Roadmap to recovery’ announcement earlier this week provides organisers with a clearer pathway to plan larger-scaled events coming out of the latest COVID-19 restrictions.
“Given the challenges faced by event organisers and businesses over the past two years, we’re very happy to use this opportunity to support the industry, and at the same time support a fun, family-friendly and COVID-safe event for our community to enjoy this New Year’s Eve,” Ms Summerhayes said.
“We’re looking for a community-focused event with a wide audience appeal that gives our residents a well-deserved chance to come together and celebrate.”
For further information please contact Events Officer Sally Manning on 6926 622 or email events@wagga.nsw.gov.au
For more information visit wagga.nsw.gov.au/nye