Towards net zero: Council’s corporate emissions strategy available for feedback
Published: 29 Apr 2022 9:29am
Wagga Wagga City Council is seeking community feedback on its draft corporate net zero strategy which went on public exhibition this week.
The draft Wagga Wagga City Council Corporate Net Zero Strategy presents a range of actions Council is proposing which would avoid, minimise and offset emissions from Council owned or managed activities and facilities.
The strategy also includes a potential emissions reduction pathway that Council may implement to reduce its carbon footprint to meet the 2040 net zero target, including reducing corporate emissions from electricity, gas, fuel, landfill operation, wastewater treatment and electricity for streetlighting.
The term 'net zero' refers to the balancing of greenhouse gas emissions with actions that remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.
Have your say on the Corporate Net Zero Strategy
Corporate Net Zero StrategyActing Director Community Mark Gardiner said that by setting and working to achieve the corporate target, Council was aiming to demonstrate to the wider community that net zero is achievable.
“Wagga Wagga City Council has committed to two emissions reduction targets, a corporate target of net zero emissions by 2040 and, more recently, a community target of net zero emissions by 2050,” Mr Gardiner said.
“We understand that many local businesses and individuals are looking to Council for guidance and leadership on emissions reduction.
“We’ve taken a lot of care in drafting our corporate strategy to ensure it’s realistic and achievable, and clearly indicates what we’re planning.
“Now that the strategy is available to the public, we’re hoping as many people as possible read it and let us know their thoughts – we’re keen to hear the community’s feedback.”
The majority of Council’s corporate carbon emissions stem from landfill-generated greenhouse gases (80 per cent). Electricity usage is the second largest emissions source after landfill, contributing 10 per cent, with other contributors including fuel (diesel, petrol and ethanol), natural gas and wastewater emissions.
Mr Gardiner said that by achieving the NSW State Government’s waste targets, including 10 per cent total waste reduction, 80 per cent waste diversion from landfill and 50 per cent reduction in organic waste by 2030, Council will be on track to make a significant contribution to the achievement of the corporate target.
“It’s going to require a lot of work and dedication, but we’re committed to doing all we can to achieve the emissions reduction targets,” Mr Gardiner said.
“We’re hoping the community will support us and do what they can to reduce their own emissions.
“At this stage we’re looking forward to listening to the community’s feedback and suggestions for our draft corporate strategy.”
The draft Wagga Wagga City Council Corporate Net Zero Strategy is on public exhibition until 19 May 2022.
To read the document and provide feedback, visit connect.wagga.nsw.gov.au/netzero