

Watch them grow: volunteers plant native seedlings

Published: 05 Aug 2022 11:27am

Thank you to everyone who took part in Schools Tree Day and National Tree Day, with more than 4800 native seedlings planted in Wagga Wagga last week.

Council is continuing to work towards the 'One Tree for Me' campaign aim of getting 65,000 seedlings planted in our local area over the next six years – one seedling for every resident.

One Tree for Me

The goal is getting closer, with Council donating 8800 native seedlings so far this year: 4000 seedlings for One Tree for Me seedling giveaways; 3500 seedlings for Schools Tree Day; and 1300 seedlings for National Tree Day.

A woman and two men in stand beside a large grouping of seedlings
IMPROVING BIODIVERSITY: Council’s Environment team carefully chose a wide variety of seedlings for both Schools Tree Day and National Tree Day to provide habitat for native animals and attract pollinators. (From left): Environmental Officer Samantha Pascall, Vegetation Management Officer Charles Metcalfe, and Environmental Management Team Leader Tony Phelps.

Environmental Education Officer Christina Reid said Council’s Environment team was touched by the generosity shown by the Schools Tree Day and National Tree Day volunteers.

“All the volunteers were so enthusiastic and happy to be outside planting,” Ms Reid said.

“You could feel the positive energy radiating out across Flowerdale Lagoon where we were planting for National Tree Day last Sunday.

“A few of the volunteers mentioned that it was a great site, right next to the highway, and they were looking forward to driving past and seeing how it’s progressing.”

A mother and daughter plant seedlings
HAPPY DAYS: Volunteers at National Tree Day did a wonderful job, planting 1300 seedlings in less than two hours.

Council’s Environment team carefully selected a wide variety of native seedlings for both Schools Tree Day and National Tree Day which will benefit our region’s biodiversity.

“Generally, the bigger trees are for bigger birds, and the lower storey trees, such as banksia, wattle and bottlebrush, are for smaller birds like honeyeaters, finches and blue wrens,” Ms Reid said.

“We planted a lot of grasses as well, as their seeds will help feed those little birds.”

A young girl holding a native grass seedling
FOOD SOURCE: Volunteers also planted native grasses which will help feed small birds.

Council also included seedlings which will help attract local pollinators.

“We planted silver banksia, which is Wagga Wagga’s floral emblem,” Ms Reid said.

“The silver banksia, in addition to the wattle, will help attract and feed microbats.

“Hopefully we’ll see all the pollinators popping up in there including microbats and lots of insects like bees and wasps. We hope lizards will also find a home amongst the grasses and trees, and feed on the insects and critters we have attracted – it’ll be a whole little ecosystem.

“It will be exciting to see as time goes on, and it’s great we’re getting this rain, because it’ll help give the seedlings the best possible start.

“We’ll see what it looks like in a few years.”

Council’s next One Tree for Me seedling giveaway will be towards the end of August 2022.

For more information, visit