Agile Library service supports food appeal
Published: 09 Dec 2022 10:42am
Wagga Wagga City Library’s Agile Library service is collecting donations of non-perishable food items for the library’s Community Food Appeal.
The Community Food Appeal helps local families who are experiencing financial difficulties and struggling to cover holiday season and back-to-school expenses.
The appeal is on now, and will run until 15 January 2023, with all donations delivered via a local charity to families in need.
Library Services Manager Christine Bolton said the team was pleased to be giving the entire community the opportunity to donate to the food appeal.
“Usually, people would need to bring their donations to the library in person, so we’re particularly excited that residents can drop off their non-perishable items to our Agile Library officers on their regular rounds, knowing those items will make their way into the hands of people in need,” Ms Bolton said.
“It’s another benefit of our Agile Library service visiting so many suburban venues across the city and rural villages across the wider Local Government Area; we can help bring the community together to support each other.”
The Agile Library service will accept non-perishable food items that are well within their use-by dates. Household staple items are always welcome, including donations of rice and flour, canned goods, baby formula, long-life milk, and lunchbox items.
To see when the Agile Library service is next visiting your location, check the schedule at waggalibrary.com.au/agilelibrary
The Agile Library service will be running up until Friday 23 December, resuming on Tuesday 3 January. The Wagga Wagga City Library will be closed from 24 December 2022, reopening on Tuesday 3 January 2023.
During the shutdown period, the eLibrary service will continue to provide 24/7 access to a vast array of digital books, magazines and audiobooks.
“Access to our eLibrary is free; all you need is your Wagga Wagga City Library card,” Ms Bolton said.
If you’re not a member yet, now is a great time to join to ensure you can access the library’s digital collection, which includes resources in 20 community languages, over the Christmas and New Year’s break.
The Wagga Wagga City Library does not charge overdue fines and no items will be due for return while the library is closed over the holiday break.
To join the library, access the eLibrary, or check the Agile Library service schedule, visit waggalibrary.com.au