An autumn of artistic abundance in store at the Art Gallery
Published: 18 Feb 2022 12:02pm
The Wagga Wagga Art Gallery is the place to visit this autumn, with the unveiling of a big program of exhibitions and events being held over the coming months.
The Autumn Exhibition Program will be officially launched today (19 February), showcasing two stunning new exhibitions by regional artists: Face to Face – The New Normal by Vic McEwan and One Does Nothing Alone by April Glaser Hinder.
For information about other upcoming programs, events and exhibitions:
Wagga Wagga Art Gallery Program & Events
Art Gallery Director Dr Lee-Anne Hall said Wagga Wagga Art Gallery is pleased to be able to offer a mix of art and cultural experiences to residents and visitors to the city throughout autumn.
“There truly is something for people of all ages to see, to enjoy or to participate in as we activate the various gallery spaces,” Dr Hall said.
“In addition to these two amazing exhibitions in the main gallery, the program will also feature artist talks, cultural performances, Young at Heart and the Take Off @ 4 - After School Art program.
“We encourage you to put a visit to our wonderful gallery on your list of things to do this autumn. You won’t be disappointed!”
The exhibition One Does Nothing Alone traverses April Glaser Hinder’s career as sculptor and painter in which she celebrates and offers thanks to those who have supported her practice over sixty years.
The exhibition is a love letter to one of the region’s most innovative sculptors in this late phase of her career, and an ode to those who have championed her artistic practice in Australia and Europe.
Returning for its second year at the gallery is the Young at Heart series of workshops with visual artist Elaine Camlin, which run from 24 February to 26 May.
In the lead up to International Women’s Day 2022 on 8 March, come along to the Art Gallery on Saturday 5 March and hear the stories and music of Australian women as Voices of Women presents Amplify Wagga Wagga: What's your story?
Dive into a wild hour of stories and music that reveal our true selves and what we can become; of beauty, incisive reality, hilarity and inspiration.
It features local artists and is performed by Australian women, including diverse and First Nations women from all parts of NSW – among them, Wagga Wagga elder and creative Aunty Cheryl Penrith in performance.
This program is a collaboration between the Wagga Wagga Art Gallery, Eastern Riverina Arts and Booranga Writers Centre.
The Autumn Exhibition Launch will be held on Saturday (19 February) between 5pm-7pm.
Bookings are essential and can be made by contacting the Art Gallery on 6926 9660 or online: