Help shape our All Abilities Inclusion Action Plan
Published: 11 Feb 2022 2:05pm
Council is seeking the community’s input on the review and update of the All Abilities Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2026 which was formerly named the Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017- 2021.
An online survey was launched on Monday (7 February) as part of the community consultation process.
For more information or to take the survey:
All Abilities Inclusion Action Plan Survey
The All Abilities Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2026 will assist Council to understand and prioritise infrastructure, services and programs to increase wellbeing, connectedness and quality of life for people living with all abilities in our community.
Social Planning Coordinator Sarah Lehman is encouraging residents to have their say on what they would like to see incorporated into the new plan.
“Council recognises we all have a role to play in becoming a more inclusive and accessible community,” Ms Lehman said.
“This survey is an important step for people living with all abilities in our community.
“It will assist us to understand what life is currently like for individuals, families and carers and to identify what needs to change to support employment, education, programs and services.”
The survey aims to obtain a broad understanding of current individual and community needs in relation to four key areas including:
- community attitudes towards disability
- how to ensure Wagga Wagga is a liveable community
- improving access to mainstream services
- increasing access to meaningful employment.
“The questions in the survey are designed to get insight into what it’s currently like living in Wagga Wagga and enables individuals, their family or carer to provide feedback on their unique experiences,” Ms Lehman said.
“It also looks to identify aspirations for different facets of life, such as employment, recreation, programs and service provision for all abilities community members that will go toward improving access and inclusion for all.
“The results of the survey, along with other community consultation currently underway, will inform the priority actions to be reported in the All Abilities Inclusion Action Plan 2022- 2025 so Wagga Wagga is a liveable community for all abilities individuals, their families and carers.
The online survey is open now for feedback and closes on Monday 4 April 2022.
You kind out more about the review and survey by visiting connect.wagga.nsw.gov.au/aaiap22 or contacting Sarah Lehman, Social Planning Coordinator, on 1300 292 442.