One Tree for Me campaign
Published: 24 Jun 2022 12:56pm
The One Tree for Me campaign is back again for its second year. This greening campaign is an action under Wagga Wagga City Council's Biodiversity Strategy: Maldhangilanha 2020-2030 and aims to get 65,000 seedlings planted in the local area over a six year period. The number of seedlings represents one seedling for every resident in our local government area.
Council staff aim to achieve this commitment through a mix of activities including free seedling giveaways; community tree planting activities on identified and approved community land; and supporting schools through Planet Ark's Schools Tree Day campaign.
Last year Council achieved 12,124 seedlings planted within the community. This year we have four free seedling events, giving away 8,000 seedlings to the community over the months of June, July and August and September.
Our first giveaway event was at Forest Hill Shopping Centre, with other locations including Ashmont Shopping Centre, Tolland Shopping Centre and South City Shopping Centre over the next three months.
For more information about the program visit wagga.nsw.gov.au/onetreeforme