Refresh and renewal! Anderson Oval’s amenities undergo an upgrade
Published: 18 Mar 2022 11:19am
Work is about to get underway on a project to upgrade the amenities at Anderson Oval, a junior sportsground located in Mount Austin.
The refurbishment is part of Wagga Wagga City Council’s Renewal of Community Amenities program included in the long-term financial plan.
Council’s Facilities Management Coordinator Luke Fitzgerald said the project aims to boost the level of service to the community by improving the safety and hygiene of the facility, which was built in the early 1980s.
“We will be refurbishing the existing public toilets and two change rooms within the amenities block, installing new tiling and fittings, as well as adding an accessible toilet to the facility,” Mr Fitzgerald said.
“We will also be installing two accessible off-street carparking spaces on the Glenfield Road side of the oval, and a connecting pathway to the building. It is important that these facilities are available for people of all abilities to use.
“Security will also be upgraded with the installation of CCTV and access door control to assist in the protection and maintenance of Council facilities in the long term.”
Swipe cards to access the toilets and changerooms will be issued to the various sporting groups which use the oval on a regular basis.
Anderson Oval is primarily used for AFL and cricket competition matches and training, and there is also a netball court which is used for matches and training.
Fencing was installed around the building earlier this week in preparation for the start of construction works.
“Access to the building will be restricted while the upgrade is underway, but we have provided temporary toilet demountable facilities for the user groups,” Mr Fitzgerald said.
“While we understand this may cause some inconvenience for the sporting groups and residents who use the facilities, the project will deliver a much-improved and safer facility for everyone.”
The project is expected to take approximately 14 weeks to complete.
📷 READY TO START: (from left) Council’s General Maintenance Carpenter Terry Posselt and Facilities Management Coordinator Luke Fitzgerald inspect plans for the upgrade of the Anderson Oval amenities building.