Council committees: expressions of interest open this Saturday
Published: 02 Mar 2022 4:18pm
Wagga Wagga City Council is calling for expressions of interest from community and industry members to join Council committees and help guide our region’s future.
A total of 26 vacancies are available on the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee, Australia Day Committee, Floodplain Risk Management Committee, Major Events Advisory Panel, Museum of the Riverina Community Committee, and Public Art Panel.
Manager Governance & Risk Ingrid Hensley is especially encouraging women and people from diverse backgrounds with relevant experience to apply.
“Similar to our campaign in the lead up to the local government elections, we’re hoping to motivate a wider range of community representatives to get involved,” Ms Hensley said.
“Being on a committee would be an ideal experience for someone who perhaps wasn’t quite ready to become a councillor but wants to be involved and make a meaningful contribution.
“Councillors rely on committees to provide advice, talk to people in the community and bring back suggestions and ideas, and make recommendations to Council.
“The greater diversity we have on Council’s committees, the better we can represent our entire community in the huge range of programs and projects we deliver.”
All committee roles are open for application from Saturday 5 March 2022, closing on Monday 21 March 2022.
Council Committees: find out more and apply.
Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee | The Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee provides independent assurance and assistance to Council on risk management, control, governance and external accountability responsibilities. Seeking expression of interest from four industry representatives. |
Australia Day Committee | The role of the Australia Day Committee is to manage an inclusive consultative process with the community and stakeholders in relation to the coordination of Australia Day activities and celebrations. Seeking expression of interest from at least eight community representatives. |
Floodplain Risk Management Committee | The role of the Floodplain Risk Management Committee is to provide advice to Council on the development, implementation and delivery of actions contained in the Floodplain Risk Management Plan for the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area. Seeking expression of interest from four community representatives. |
Major Events Advisory Panel | The role of the Major Events Advisory Panel is to appraise and make recommendations for the allocation of funding requests received through Council’s Major Events, Festivals and Films Sponsorship Funding. The panel assesses requests based on the eligibility and assessment criteria outlined in the Major Events, Festivals and Films Sponsorship Guidelines. Seeking expression of interest from three industry representatives. |
Museum of the Riverina Community Committee | The role of the Museum of the Riverina Community Committee is to allow the community and other key stakeholders to participate in the setting of future directions in accordance with the role of the Museum of the Riverina within the strategic goals of the Council. Seeking expression of interest from four community members. |
Public Art Panel | The role of the Public Art Panel is to provide advice and input to guide the commissioning of public art works and management of the Public Art Collection in line with the Public Art Policy and Public Art Plan. Seeking expressions of interest from one industry representative and two community representatives. |