Dobney Avenue upgrade nearing completion
Published: 13 May 2022 11:58am
Night works to upgrade Dobney Avenue are almost complete, with the final seal to be laid early next week, weather permitting.
Wagga Wagga City Council’s Director Infrastructure Services Warren Faulkner said adverse weather conditions have delayed the planned completion of the Dobney Avenue works.
For more information:
Dobney Avenue & Pearson Street Upgrade
“We planned to have Dobney Avenue finished this week but, due to the rain, the finished surface works have had to be pushed out to next week,” Mr Faulkner said.
“Work to apply a 45-millimetre asphalt overlay over the entire street, which provides a smooth wearing course, will recommence on Monday night (16 May).
“Aside from line marking, the road will be completed by Thursday 19 May.”
Work to upgrade Pearson Street will commence following completion of the Dobney Avenue pavement works.
“We will begin at the Edward Street end of Pearson Street and progress towards the roundabouts outside Bunnings,” Mr Faulkner said.
“Once crews start working on Pearson Street, traffic will be detoured via Dobney Avenue.”
Works will take place at night between 6pm and 6am to minimise the impact on traffic. The roads will be reopened to traffic during the daytime.
“So far the nightworks seem to have caused minimal disruption to road users and, as each night is completed, a vastly improved road surface is very visible.
“Rehabilitation on these busy and worn roads will not only provide motorists with a smoother and safer ride, but it will decrease wear and tear on vehicles as well as improve drainage.”
Work, including the rehabilitation of the pavement at the two roundabouts at the intersection of Pearson Street and Dobney Avenue, is expected to be completed by mid-June, weather permitting.
The $5.6 million project is jointly funded by the Australian Government in association with the NSW Government and Wagga Wagga City Council.
Council continues to focus on improving our road network.
Completed works
- Lake Albert Road – Stage 3
- Kooringal Road
- Two sections of Red Hill Road
- Stanley Street
- Darlow Street
- Northcott Parade
Current work
- Dunns Road
- Holbrook Road upgrade – 900m south of Burradana Road
Upcoming activities for 2022/23 financial year
- Inglewood Road
- Copland Street
- Old Narrandera Road
- Gregadoo Road
- Lord Baden Powell Drive
- Lloyd Road
- Nagle Street
- Macleay Street