Dunns Road Stage 1 upgrade update
Published: 13 May 2022 1:23pm
Earthworks on Stage 1 of the Dunns Road upgrade, which started earlier this month, are progressing but are being affected by inclement weather and the impact of COVID-19 on supply and staffing.
Wagga Wagga City Council Director Projects Silas Darby is confident that despite these impacts the completion of Stage 1 will occur in December 2022.
The first stage of the upgrade involves three phases.
Phase 1 – Upgrading of the stormwater drainage. This work has been completed ahead of the program to minimise the damage to the road caused by expected high rainfall events - COMPLETED
Phase 2 – Earthworks which started in early May 2022 and involve removing existing top layers of the road and then replacing these layers using GPS enabled graders - UNDERWAY
Phase 3 – Sealing the entire length of Dunns Road - PENDING
Mr Darby said Stages 2 and 3 of the road upgrade rely on elements determined by external agencies.
Stage 2 of the upgrade will see Council working with Transport for NSW to construct a right-hand turning lane at the Olympic Highway and Dunns Road intersection.
Stage 3 of the upgrade is construction of a roundabout at the Holbrook Road and Dunns Road intersection and is subject to receiving black spot funding.
The project is funded by the Australian Government and Wagga Wagga City Council.
For more information about the project: