Your library is expanding
Published: 06 May 2022 1:59pm
Wagga Wagga City Library is in the process of becoming a standalone library service with a range of new services to be delivered from 1 July 2022.
Manager Library Services Claire Campbell said the library was expanding to serve a growing population in the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area.
“The changes we’re making now are based on community feedback,” Ms Campbell said.
“In 2019 we undertook a review of the library service, which included extensive community and stakeholder consultation, including individual and group meetings in locations across the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area and two online surveys: one in 2019 and one during the COVID lockdown.
“The feedback from the community consultations was clear; the library service needed to grow, to be open for longer, have more rooms for people to have meetings, participate in group activities, do quiet learning, and provide regular library services to suburban and rural villages located in the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area.
“We needed to be able to actively reach out further into the community and that’s exactly what we’ll be able to do with our new standalone library service.”
From July 2022 the library will be operating a new Agile Library Service, which will see two custom designed library vans, each capable of carrying 3,000 items, operating a weekly service, delivering books, library services and programs to suburban areas across the city and rural villages in the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area.
The timetable and locations for the Agile Library Van visits will be published on the library’s website, social platforms, and printed brochures will be distributed widely prior to the service commencing on 1 July.
Ms Campbell said the Agile Library Service is designed to serve members of the community who are unable to visit the library at the Civic Centre in person.
“We’ll be bringing the library to you,” Ms Campbell said.
“The vans will be very agile and will be able to visit various locations depending on where people meet and gather.
“We could be taking Storytime to the villages or suburbs, delivering our Tech Savvy Seniors classes and multicultural services to different community groups, or taking our Language CafĂ© to community centres.
“We want to extend our service and take it to where people live, reaching out and connecting the library services to as many people as possible.
“Residents can also reserve any items they’d like for free, by giving us a call, and we’ll take the items out to you at your preferred suburban or rural village location in the van. The Wagga Wagga City Library collection has over 78,000 items, so we’re thrilled to be able to circulate those items further through our community; you’ll have the library at your fingertips.”
The library at the Civic Centre is also physically expanding with the current capital works program planned to be completed mid-year.
“We’ll have five different learning spaces, the childrens’ area will be doubled in size with an accessible toilet, and our entrance is going to be opened up with additional seating areas,” Ms Campbell said.
“From 1 July we’ll also be issuing new library cards. Your existing card will continue to work, and we will replace it the next time you come into the library.
“We’re excited to be able to provide the community with the service they asked for. Now is an exciting time to pay a visit or check in with us online or over the phone and be part of your library service.”
For more information visit waggalibrary.com.au or call 6926 9700.