Council assesses the impacts of recent flood and rain events
Published: 21 Oct 2022 11:15am
A number of roads across the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area inundated by water during the recent Murrumbidgee River flooding event, remain closed to traffic.
Earlier this week, Council reopened Eunony Bridge Road after crews completed clean-up works, removing debris left behind by the receding flood water, and resealing damaged sections of the pavement.
Director Infrastructure Services Warren Faulkner said staff have been out assessing other roads across the Local Government Area.
“The focus is on determining the extent of damage to these roads and whether any repairs will be required before these roads can be reopened to traffic,” Mr Faulkner said.
“We need to be mindful that a natural weather phenomenon is occurring and that if we are sustaining considerable damage as part of that, we may be eligible for natural disaster funding.
“As part of the funding requirements, evidence of the damage before we repair the road is required, which does slow the process of being able to open the roads.
“More broadly, the consistent and prolonged rainfall this winter and spring has been taking its toll on our road network, so please drive to the conditions.”
The community is reminded access also remains restricted to a number of open spaces and reserves adjacent to the river, including the Riverside precinct and Wagga Beach carpark.
Strategic Asset Planner (Parks and Recreation) Ben Creighton said Council is asking people to continue to stay clear of these areas, if possible.
“While the flood water has been receding, it has left behind a lot of mud and debris and has also resulted in a number of trees coming down due to the saturated ground, so it’s important to be aware of these hazards” Mr Creighton said.
“With regards to the Riverside precinct, our crews need time to remove the mud and debris before we clean and disinfect the area.
“The timing of the clean-up will depend on the impacts of the current rain event we’re experiencing, which is forecast by the Bureau of Meteorology to continue into next week.
“There’s a lot of stagnant water still around and the ground is very soggy, so please stay on the paths if you are passing through the precinct.
“We really appreciate your patience and will let you know as soon as we reopen.”
To stay up-to-date about local road closures, visit wagga.nsw.gov.au/flooding
For more emergency information, advice, and access to the latest river heights and rainfall observations and forecasts:
NSW SES: ses.nsw.gov.au
NSW SES Facebook: facebook.com/MERRHQ
Latest River Heights and Rainfall Observations: bom.gov.au/places/nsw/wagga-wagga/
Latest NSW forecasts & warnings: bom.gov.au/places/nsw/wagga-wagga/
Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) NSW Twitter: www.twitter.com/BOM_NSW