Nominate your community champions for our 2024 Australia Day Awards
Published: 25 Aug 2023 12:12pm
It’s time for residents across the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area to recognise the achievements of local citizens who have made significant community contributions by nominating them for a 2024 Australia Day Award.
Nominations opened today (Friday 25 August) across five award categories: Citizen of the Year; Young Citizen of the Year; Environmental Citizen of the Year; Ted Ryder Sports Memorial Award; and Walk of Honour.
Mayor of the City of Wagga Wagga Councillor Dallas Tout joined with ErinEarth co-founders Carmel Wallis and Kaye Bryan to launch the awards.
“These awards are an opportunity for the community to show their appreciation for those citizens who’ve made a difference, whether it’s as part of a community group or organisation, or as an individual,” Cr Tout said.
“It’s a chance to reward and showcase the outstanding service, time and commitment which they give every day to improving the lives of others.
“It is impossible to overstate the value of the activities, programs or initiatives our unsung heroes provide to the broader community. We want to make sure their stories are told and their efforts are recognised.”
Australia Day committee organisers are urging community members to start thinking about local champions who make a contribution to all areas of community life.
ErinEarth was awarded the 2023 Environmental Citizen of the Year award at the Australia Day awards ceremony earlier this year.
Co-founders Carmel Wallis and Kaye Bryan were acknowledged for their work towards a sustainable society founded on respect for the earth, universal human rights, economic justice, and a culture of peace.
“It has been so wonderful to have received this recognition and it has enabled us to highlight the work that we do at ErinEarth to a wider audience,” Carmel Wallis said.
“It’s been such a journey for ErinEarth over the past 25 years and we feel honoured to have been acknowledged for something that we have loved doing for this community and our environment.”
The last day for nominations for Wagga Wagga’s 2024 Australia Day Awards will be midnight, Sunday 26 November 2023.
To submit a nomination, visit wagga.nsw.gov.au/australiaday
The search has also begun for budding young singers to perform our National Anthem at the Australia Day Awards ceremony on Thursday 25 January and the Australia Day community event on Friday 26 January 2024.
Local primary school principals and music teachers are being encouraged to nominate students for the competition by midnight, Wednesday 13 September 2023.
For further information about the awards or competition, please contact events@wagga.nsw.gov.au