Crane and workers preparing to install bridge over Marshalls Creek in bushland

Projects & Works

Two bridges lowered into place on the ATP Forest Hill link

Published: 04 Aug 2023 3:20pm

In a significant step in the first stage of building the Forest Hill link of Wagga Wagga City Council’s Active Travel Plan, two bridges have recently been placed over Marshall’s Creek.

Council Manager Recreation and Economic Development Ben Creighton said together with a one-kilometre shared path, the two pedestrian bridges will connect Kooringal Road and Vincent Road through a Council road reserve.

Crane and workers lowering a steel bridge over Marshalls Creek on ATP path at Koorginal

“The bridges are three metres in width which allow pedestrians and cyclists to safely pass each other in opposite directions,” Mr Creighton said.

“One of the bridges measures 18 metres in length and the second is 26 metres long.

“We are aiming for this section of the shared path to be ready in time for summer.”

Design and approval works are currently being undertaken for the remaining sections of the Forest Hill link.

Workers fitting a steel bridge over Marshalls Creek on ATP path at Koorginal

Once completed, the seven-kilometre Forest Hill link will connect from Kooringal Road to Elizabeth Avenue in Forest Hill.

The Active Travel Plan project is jointly funded by the NSW Government and Wagga Wagga City Council.