Sign with Library Christmas Appeal beside glass cabinet with Christmas tree created from books
GET INTO THE SPIRIT:  The community is being encouraged to donate household staple items to Wagga Wagga City Library’s annual Christmas Food Appeal, which kicked off on Friday 1 December.


Give a gift to your community with the Library Christmas Food Appeal

Published: 01 Dec 2023 11:10am

The Wagga Wagga City Library is holding its annual Christmas Food Appeal which supports local families and community members who are experiencing financial difficulties this holiday season.

The library is asking the local community to give the gift that gives back to our community by donating non-perishable food, toiletries, and baby needs for those most in need.

The program launches on Friday 1 December 2023 and runs until Saturday 21 January 2024.

This year the library is partnering with the Ashmont Resource Centre, Carevan, and Tolland Community Centre to meet the needs of local and surrounding communities.

Woman holding tins of non-perishable food sitting beside Christmas decorations
JOY OF GIVING: Council’s Manager Library Services Christine Bolton launches the library’s Christmas Food Appeal, which will run through to 21 January 2024.

All donated items will be shared among these organisations to distribute as required.

Council’s Manager Library Services Christine Bolton says the library team are excited for another year of generous gifting from the community.

“Public libraries promote equality within our communities and keep them connected through a variety of programs and services like the annual Christmas Food Appeal,” Ms Bolton said.

“This program has been a great success year-on-year due to the generosity of Wagga Wagga residents.

“Last year, more than 70 boxes of non-perishable items were donated by locals, and we are expecting this year to be no different. We are incredibly lucky to have such a big-hearted community who share generously each Christmas.”

Donated items will assist families over the Christmas, New Year period who may be experiencing difficulties covering the costs associated with the festive season.

Christmas tree made out of books, inside glass cabinet

Household staple items are particularly valuable to donate including canned food, rice and pasta, flour, breakfast cereals and spreads, baby formula, toiletries, feminine products, and long-life milk.

The library is requesting the items donated be well within their use-by dates.

Donations can be dropped in at the library or to a friendly Library Officer at any of the Agile Library sites in suburban and rural villages across the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area.

The Christmas Food Appeal runs until Sunday 21 January 2024.