Improving safety and access on river walking tracks
Published: 23 Feb 2023 1:04pm
Council will be removing several poplar trees along the Murrumbidgee River in Wagga Wagga’s city centre as part of vegetation management works to improve public access and trail safety.
Contractors will begin removing the eight poplars along the Wiradjuri Trail between Wagga Beach and Sculpture Park (Cadell Place entrance) on Monday 27 February.
Manager Parks and Strategic Operations Henry Pavitt said the clean-up of the poplars, which are an introduced species to Australia, has been planned for some time due to their deteriorating condition.
“These trees have been deteriorating for a while, but we haven’t been able to remove them due to last year’s wetter than usual conditions, which left the soil too waterlogged until recently,” Mr Pavitt said.
“During the November 2022 flood, one of them fell across the Wiradjuri Trail and there’s a chance the others may do the same if we don’t remove them soon.
“It’s important to ensure the public’s safety from the likelihood of these trees falling in an area which is regularly used for recreation.
“Due to their size, if one of them came down over the levee, it could result in damage to property and potentially cause harm to pedestrians and cyclists using the shared pathway which runs along the top of the levee bank.”
Contractors will cut down the poplars that are still standing and clear away the limbs and branches from the fallen tree.
Mr Pavitt said the roots of all eight poplars would remain embedded in the bank for extra support to combat erosion during those times when water levels rise.
The clean-up works are expected to take five days, weather permitting.
The Wiradjuri Trail between Wagga Beach and Cadell Place will be closed between 7am and 5pm as the work is carried out. The shared path on the levee will remain open.