Lights up! McPherson Oval’s new LED lights installed
Published: 28 Jul 2023 11:40am
Four new 30-meter light poles with LED floodlights were installed at McPherson Oval in North Wagga Wagga this week.
Local residents may have noticed some large cranes at McPherson Oval during the last two weeks; these cranes were brought in to maneuver the new light poles into position.
Work to replace the outdated lights over the sportsground commenced in May with the excavation of trenches, installation of cabling and the footings for the lights.
Over the past two weeks Council has worked with local contractors to install the 30-meter poles.
The new floodlights will improve the quality of light over the sportsground and are more environmentally friendly.
Wagga Wagga City Council Project Coordinator – Parks & Recreation Phill Blake said planning has taken into consideration future potential flooding.
“The control gear and circuit breakers for the lights have been positioned above the 1 in 100 year flood level to ensure they are safe in the event of a flood,” Mr Blake said.
“Wet weather delayed the project during June and July, however with the recent clearer weather the cranes were able to come in to install the final poles and lights this week.
“Now that the poles have been installed the LED lights will need to be aimed to ensure there is less spillage of lighting onto adjoining properties.”
It is expected the new LED floodlights will be ready to use by early September and the old lights will be decommissioned and removed, weather permitting.
The cost of the new lighting at McPherson Oval is $406,116, with most of the funding being covered by a grant of $365,171 from the NSW Government's Stronger Country Communities Fund.
Council has pitched in the remaining $40,945 to make the project possible.
For more information about the McPherson Oval lighting upgrade go to wagga.nsw.gov.au/projects