Work on Dunns Road upgrade project set to recommence
Published: 24 Mar 2023 11:04am
Wagga Wagga City Council advises residents and motorists can expect to see plant and machinery in the Dunns Road area soon, with work set to resume on the upgrade project in April, weather permitting.
Funded by the Australian Government ($5.8 million) and Wagga Wagga City Council ($2.5 million), the project includes the upgrade of the Olympic Highway/Dunns Road intersection, Dunns Road pavement reconstruction, and the Holbrook Road/Dunns Road intersection upgrade works.
Director Strategy & Projects Phil McMurray said Council agreed at its meeting on 30 January to appoint a major contractor for the design and construction of Dunns Road, and the Olympic Highway and Holbrook Road intersections.
“They are an accredited contractor, which is required to do work on a state road, and they produce a high-quality product, which is what Council wants for Dunns Road,” Mr McMurray said.
“Currently, the contractor is working on the design and project documentation works of the project and is expecting to mobilize plant and resources by the end of March, depending on the weather.
“Initially, the contractor will be carrying out preliminary survey works and approved vegetation removal. The next phase of works is expected to start by mid-April 2023, with the timing dependent on receipt of a Works Access Deed from Transport for NSW.
“Additional work is also being done finalising the design of the road itself.”
A two-lane roundabout will be constructed at the Holbrook Road intersection, while the Olympic Highway intersection design will be a channelised right-hand intersection, similar in design to the intersection at Merino Drive and Olympic Highway, near Bomen.
Vehicles heading north on the Olympic Highway towards Wagga Wagga will have a designated right-hand turning lane into Dunns Road. There will also be a slip lane to the left for south-bound vehicles turning on to Dunns Road, and a slip road for motorists turning out of Dunns Road onto Olympic Highway.
The Dunns Road Upgrade project has suffered from delays since 2022, due to the protracted periods of wet weather over autumn, winter and spring.
“Council apologises for the inconvenience this pause in work has caused and appreciates the patience of property owners and road users,” Mr McMurray said.
“It is anticipated that the finished road works will be wider and have a better surface and drainage.
“It will also have improved access from the Olympic Highway and the intersection with Holbrook Road will be a lot safer for vehicles traveling the busy route.”
Drivers are advised there will be speed limit restrictions on Olympic Highway along with lane closures while the intersection is being constructed.
Dunns Road remains closed to through traffic between Kunzea Place and the Olympic Highway. Only residents who live on the closed section of Dunns Road are allowed access.
Completion of the project will depend on weather over autumn and winter.
For updates, visit the project page at wagga.nsw.gov.au/projects