Heart of the village - Tarcutta Soldiers Memorial Hall receives upgrade
Published: 26 Oct 2023 2:54pm
The Tarcutta Soldiers Memorial Hall has recently received an upgrade, ensuring it will continue to be at the heart of community life in Tarcutta for years to come.
Following the impacts of the 2019 and 2020 bushfires on the Tarcutta community, Council applied for grant funding from the Federal Government’s Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants Program.
A grant of $181,140 was received for the upgrade of the Tarcutta Soldiers Memorial Hall, aligning with the funding objectives to support recovery and resilience of communities impacted by the bushfires.
Built in 1928, the Tarcutta Soldiers Memorial Hall was originally built to honour the local soldiers who served in World War I, and also honours those who served in World War II and Vietnam.
The building is a monument and a place of pride for the rural village of Tarcutta, however given the building’s age, it was in need of maintenance and an overall upgrade.
In partnership with members of the Tarcutta Soldiers Memorial Hall committee, Council has planned and delivered improvements to the hall which includes; installation of split system air conditioners, painting of the external walls, treatment of the existing floorboards, upgrade to the amenities block, upgrade to internal lighting and external mural lighting, and installation of solar panels.
Wagga Wagga City Council Facilities Management Coordinator Luke Fitzgerald oversaw the upgrade and is pleased with the result.
“The grant from the Federal Government has allowed Council to make functional and cosmetic improvements to the Tarcutta Soldiers Memorial Hall in line with the Tarcutta community’s expectations,” Mr Fitzgerald said.
“Elements such as the air conditioning and upgraded lighting make the hall a more comfortable space for community members and groups to hold functions and events year-round.
The upgrade of the hall comes two years after a large mural was painted on one of the external walls which was also funded by a Federal Government grant for Regional Tourism Bushfire Recovery.
Painted by Sam Brooks, the mural pays homage to Tarcutta’s military and soldier settler history, and was aimed at boosting visitation to the village.
The upgrades implemented at the Tarcutta Soldiers Memorial Hall ensure the building will continue to exist as a War Memorial and a place for community gatherings within the village for current and future generations.
For information about hiring the Tarcutta Soldiers Memorial Hall go to the My Community Directory website.