Nominate your community champions for our 2025 Australia Day Awards
Published: 29 Aug 2024 9:50am
It is time for residents across the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area to recognise the achievements of local citizens who have made significant community contributions, by nominating them for a 2025 Australia Day Award.
Nominations are now open across five award categories: Citizen of the Year; Young Citizen of the Year; Environmental Citizen of the Year; Ted Ryder Sports Memorial Award; and Walk of Honour.
The 2025 Australia Day Committee organisers are urging community members to start thinking about local champions who contribute to all areas of community life.
Council’s Acting Director Community Carly Hood joined with Chair of the Australia Day Awards Committee Mark Wetteland, and Wagga Wagga 2024 Citizen of the Year Annette St Clair to launch the awards.
“The awards program aims to recognise the achievements of local citizens who have made significant community contributions,” Ms Hood said.
“It’s a chance to reward and showcase the outstanding service, time, and commitment our unsung heroes provide to the broader community. We want to make sure their stories are told, and their efforts are recognised.”
Annette St Clair was nominated for her unwavering commitment to public awareness regarding melanoma and other cancers, supporting provision of essential services, research and resources, and her exceptional contributions to our broader community.
In 2010, she formed the Amie St Clair Melanoma Trust in memory of her daughter, who lost her battle with the disease at an early age, and has been an active volunteer with the Cancer Council for over 10 years.
“It was quite humbling to be chosen, or even nominated for the citizenship award,” Ms St Clair said.
“It was a 101-year-old gentleman who nominated me, and it made me think about how he had confidence in the work I was trying to achieve.
“Then to actually win! It’s given me a fresh look on life and opened up a lot of opportunities.
“There are so many people out there doing such great things for our community. There are lots of volunteers, and without volunteers a lot of charities and organisations would not be successful.”
Mark Wetteland is encouraging our community to think of people they know who deserve recognition and says that the process to nominate someone is quick and easy.
“It’s a great opportunity to recognise people within our community, some people we haven’t been made aware of until they’re nominated,” Mr Wetteland said.
“It’s important that anyone who thinks there is a deserving nominee to fill out a form, which can either be done online or via a hard copy at the Council Customer Service Desk. Any enquiries, we can assist you along the way.”
The search has also begun for budding young singers to perform our National Anthem at the Australia Day Awards ceremony on Saturday 25 January and the Australia Day community event on Sunday 26 January 2025.
Local primary school principals and music teachers are being encouraged to nominate students via email for the competition by midnight, Monday 16 September 2024.
Nominations for Wagga Wagga’s 2025 Australia Day Awards will close at midnight, Sunday 24 November 2024.
To submit a nomination, visit wagga.nsw.gov.au/australiaday
Award categories:
- Citizen of the Year
- Young Citizen of the Year
- Environmental Citizen of the Year
- Ted Ryder Sports Memorial Award
- Walk of Honour
For further information about the awards or to nominate a student for the National Anthem Competition, please contact australiaday@wagga.nsw.gov.au