MINISTER VISIT: Federal Minister for Regional Development and Local Government, Kristy McBain MP met with Mayor Councillor Dallas Tout and Council’s Manager City Growth and Regional Assets Ben Creighton to discuss the Lake Albert works.

Projects & Works

Council to enter funding arrangement for Lake Albert foreshore works and pipeline

Published: 09 Aug 2024 11:03am

Wagga Wagga City Council approved a funding agreement with the Australian Government for the development and construction of the Lake Albert Pipeline, foreshore remediation and weir works.

This funding is a result of Council’s successful application for $4,493,776 from the Growing Regions Program – Round 1 to undertake the project.

Council’s Manager City Growth and Regional Assets Ben Creighton said alongside the approved funding, Council is required to co-contribute $4,493,776 towards the delivery of this project.

“At the August 5 Ordinary Council Meeting Council endorsed to enter the funding deed with the Government for just under $4.5 million,” Mr Creighton said.

“Council will match that $4.5 million worth of funding. We'll essentially have a $9 million project that would see the development of a pipeline from the river through to the lake.

“It will also see a bit over two kilometres of foreshore works completed to address significant erosion. There will also be some weir upgrade works, which will allow us to better control the outflow of the water from the lake.”

Additional to the report for funding, there was another report presented to Council providing an update on the different activities being undertaken at Lake Albert (read more on page 2).

Although Council has not yet received the funding deed from the government, Council is expecting it shortly following the recent announcement.

“The announcement has been made, but we don't have the funding deed yet. Despite this, there's a number of planning activities Council is currently working on at the moment, as well investigating potential partnership opportunities on the delivery model.”

While still in the planning stage for the works, it is expected that Council will go to market for the foreshore works before the end of 2024.

“The pipeline works do require some land and easement acquisitions, and we’re currently identifying those areas. However, I would anticipate that the acquisition works would be completed over the next 12 months, and then we would look to complete the pipeline in the following year.”

As the works progress, updates will be provided through Council’s Have Your Say website.