Crack sealing to improve the 'waterproofing' of our sealed roads
Published: 15 Jan 2024 9:49am
Council contractors will be carrying out crack sealing works on roads and shared paths in various streets in the central and urban areas of Wagga Wagga over the coming weeks.
In a report to Council in November 2022 on the state of our road network, cracks in the road surface were identified as the main contributor for potholes.
Director Infrastructure Services Warren Faulkner says maintenance of the wearing course to seal the cracks is Council’s highest priority, with a crack sealing budget established in response to the report.
“Last year (2023), we undertook in the order of $50,000 in crack sealing works, which covered 40,000 lineal metres across 47 streets,” Mr Faulkner said.
“This year, we have doubled that budget to $100,000 to crack seal between 70,000 to 80,000 lineal metres across almost 40 streets and multiple shared paths, including the asphalt path around Lake Albert, the Pomingalarna Link and Kapooka Link.
“Crack sealing is one of the most important intervention maintenance techniques that is carried out during a pavement lifecycle and often one of the first treatments applied to the pavement to increase its longevity.
“It’s a very cost-effective maintenance practice that plays a critical asset management role in maintaining Council’s Road network.”
The crack sealing work will be carried out in the following suburbs: Bomen, Gobbagombalin, Lloyd, Tolland, Glenfield Park, Mount Austin, the city centre, Kooringal, Lake Albert, Tatton, Forest Hill and North Wagga Wagga.
Works will be undertaken between 7am and 5pm each day, including weekends.
Roads will remain open under traffic control.