Hints and tips for standing for your local council
Published: 13 Jun 2024 12:18pm
The election will be held on Saturday 14 September 2024, and with registrations for potential candidates open, now is a good time to get up to speed.
Wagga Wagga City Council’s Manager Corporate Government and Performance David Galloway has some great hints and tips for those thinking of throwing their hat into the ring.
“Two things I suggest kicking off with are attending the free briefing session next week for anyone interested in becoming a councillor, and attending a Council meeting to see first-hand how it actually works,” Mr Galloway said.
“The free session will be held at the Council Chambers on Wednesday 19 June 2024, and Council meetings are generally held on the second and fourth Mondays of every month at 6pm.”
Potential candidates can also check out the Council’s business papers, available at on our website.
“The business papers will give potential candidates some idea of the breadth of subjects and details councillors must deal with,” Mr Galloway said.
“Another local resource for anyone thinking of standing for Council can be found at Wagga Wagga City Council’s website for becoming a councillor.”
Other valuable resources include the websites of the Office of Local Government NSW and the NSW Electoral Commission.
In particular, the NSW Electoral Commission website contains all the official information candidates need to stand for election, including what is required to register and nominate for the position.
“Strong and effective councils are those that reflect the diverse communities they serve,” Mr Galloway said.
“I encourage people from all walks of life to stand to increase diversity in our local government.”
For more information, visit the City Council Elections page.
You must be registered to accept political donations or pay for electoral expenditure. Registrations are now open and will close 12pm, Wednesday 14 August 2024.
To have your name on a ballot paper, you must be nominated as a candidate. This is a separate process from being registered.
To be nominated you must be enrolled to vote in the area for which you are standing by 6pm Monday, 5 August 2024, and have the support of a registered political party or two electors from the Wagga Wagga LGA.
Nominations open on Monday, 5 August 2024, and close 12pm, Wednesday 14 August 2024.
Free briefing session for potential candidates
Wednesday 19 June 2024, 5.30pm – 9.00pm, at Wagga Wagga City Council.
Election day
Saturday, 14 September 2024.