North Wagga Flood Mitigation Options Feasibility Study reaches next stage
Published: 15 Mar 2024 9:37am
Residents of Wagga Wagga and surrounds are invited to have their final say on the Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee’s (FRMAC) reports and recommendations made in an effort to mitigate the impact of flooding in North Wagga.
At its Ordinary Meeting on Monday 11 March, Council endorsed placing FRMAC’s reports and outcomes on public exhibition, in order to enable the people of Wagga Wagga to access the documents and provide feedback on the proposed recommendations.
Council, in partnership with the Centre for International Economics (CIE), completed a wide ranging and comprehensive analysis of the various flood mitigation options for North Wagga that were recommended as part of the 2018 Murrumbidgee River Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan.
Between December 2023 to February 2024, residents were then given the chance to vote for their choice of three potential options proposed to mitigate flooding in North Wagga.
These options included voluntary purchase and voluntary house raising for eligible properties located on the floodplain (Option 1); an upgrade to the North Wagga levee and related access (Option 2); or a combined approach (Option 3), which draws on key aspects of both Option 1 and Option 2.
The survey results were presented to FRMAC at a meeting in February; as a result, the committee found that Option 3 – a combined approach – is the path of action most preferred by survey participants.
Director of Projects and Strategy Phil McMurray said it is important for the community to provide input on the recommendations during the public exhibition period.
“Any feedback obtained through the public exhibition phase will be considered by the floodplain risk management committee before the recommendation is again presented to Council for adoption,” Mr McMurray said.
“Once adopted, the implementation of the recommended mitigation options can proceed.”
The reports and recommendations are accessible on Council’s Have Your Say website for 42 days between 15 March and 26April 2024.
To read the recommendation and reports, and to make a submission visit Council's Have Your Say website.