An illustration shows a large building with underground carpark. The building sits along the riverside.
CONCEPT: The Riverside Stage 3 Business Plan is complete and ready for Council to pursue future funding.


Riverside Stage 3 Business Case prepared for future funding

Published: 16 May 2024 12:53pm

At its 13 May Ordinary Meeting, Council supported the final business case and concept designs for a major entertainment and convention centre and First Nations cultural centre located at the third stage of Riverside.

The business case, which was funded through the NSW Government, reflects the spirit and intent of the Riverside Masterplan that was undertaken in 2010 and has been informed through extensive stakeholder and community engagement.

The business case notes the outcomes of the community engagement that took place at the end of 2023 asking the community to provide feedback on the Riverside Stage 3 and Civic Theatre augmentation concepts.

The results of the community engagement showed strong support for both the Riverside plan and the Civic Theatre concept, with 1089 surveys and responses submitted.

Of the community responses received, 52 per cent indicated support for the Civic Theatre and 45 per cent for Riverside, with three per cent of participants not supporting either project.

Executive Manager, Regional Activation – Projects Fiona Hamilton said the feedback provided demonstrates the community strongly support both projects.

“We received over 1000 submissions from the community that showed support for both projects, and both projects will rely heavily on State and Commonwealth funding to progress to detailed design and implementation,” Ms Hamilton said.

In July 2023, a detailed business case was prepared for a major entertainment and conferencing centre and First Nations Cultural Centre.

Three development scenarios are outlined in the business case, including the concurrent development of both the major entertainment and conferencing centre and cultural facility as well as the development of each as standalone projects.

In line with this, a separate business case, business plan and prospectus have been developed to support the First Nations Cultural Centre.

Council will now explore funding opportunities to progress the project to detailed design.

The draft Civic Theatre Performing Arts Masterplan public exhibition period closed on Friday 10 May 2024.

More than 200 submissions received from the community are currently being collated and results are to be reported back to Council for consideration at a later date.

To view the Riverside Stage 3 Business Case visit our Have Your Say Wagga Wagga website.